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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find a list of frequently asked questions.  Feel free to browse the information below, or contact us to schedule your consultation or Request a Price Quote

  • What happens when my current system no longer meets our needs?
    That’s the ideal time to take advantage of today’s technology and extend VoIP technology out to your desktop – and take advantage of increased functionality and virtually limitless capacity. Our Hosted PBX capabilities will fit nearly every business need you may have and still save you money over your current system.
  • Ok, so what’s involved if we decide to take this “next step”?
    Your IP-based phone is still just a telephone. However, in making the transition from your old phone system, we’ll need to meet certain requirements in order to maintain business-class voice quality. But don’t worry, we will be there all the way to help you.
  • What requirements?
    To begin with, your infrastructure must now use Ethernet cabling instead of your old analog cabling. In most small- to medium-sized businesses, VoIP installations will simply share the existing LAN (Local Area Network) infrastructure that already transmits their data. Chances are that your current LAN can easily support the transition. However, your LAN will need to be validated, which means ensuring that the various devices it supports – virus protection software, 100MB switches and cable plant (i.e., the physical wires used to tie the network together) – are in the tiptop condition needed to ensure business-class quality voice transmission.
  • What else?
    Your broadband circuits (lines) must also be evaluated for their capacity, reliability and usage. For example, if the evaluation results indicate that your company is a heavy data user or hosts functions like terminal services, it’s generally more cost-effective and design-efficient to install separate circuits for voice and data. That’s a fairly easy resolve.
  • Why all the fuss over my LAN infrastructure and lines? They work fine now.
    They probably do, but voice transmission is a much more human-sensitive application than data transmission. For example, if your data circuit were to experience small “bursts” of downtime or other minor problems, you might not even be aware of it because nothing would tip you off. However, if your company were running voice over that same line, the symptoms would likely be loud and clear – in the form of noise, echo or other problems that could distort the communications, distracting your customers as well as your employees. In your business environment, your voice communications can and should meet the highest standards of quality.
  • Is that all?
    No, Quality of Service (QoS) parameters must also be built into your system. Simply put, QoS guarantees certain minimum levels of performance to a voice/data flow. QoS may be incorporated into the lines themselves or into your onsite equipment. However, without QoS, the quality of your voice communications is likely to be sacrificed at some point, because bandwidth alone cannot assure satisfactory business-class service.
  • Is that why I hear that some companies are dissatisfied with their VoIP technology?
    Probably. Residential installations – the earliest VoIP market – typically lack QoS standards and therefore are subject to extreme bandwidth fluctuations. Additionally, not all VoIP vendors who sell to the business community engineer their systems for business-class quality; some may design simply to meet their prospects’ lowest-price requirements. Although QoS does bear a cost, it should never be sacrificed.
  • How do I minimize impact to my business while extending my VoIP technology out to the desktop?
    The process is very straightforward. It’s important to plan your transition with the people who manage your IT infrastructure, so that Prospice can plug in seamlessly, without taxing your resources. A popular strategy is to run your new system parallel with your existing one while your employees become familiar with the new phones and features. This procedure eliminates the anxiety of a “hard cut” and allows ample time for the changes to be absorbed smoothly. You can even go live before the actual porting of your numbers, by call-forwarding the old system to the new!
  • Ok, we’re three months live and pleasantly surprised. However, the broadband connection just went dead today. What now?
    Since we’ve preplanned together for this, there’s no need to panic! You may have dual connections for voice and data so a simple failover takes place until the dead circuit comes back. However, let’s assume the worst case: one connection, one location. First, the network is still accepting and delivering your calls. “Hosted services” means that the real work is happening elsewhere. So, depending on the situation, it’s easy to reroute calls – both for your individual employees and for your organization. Rerouting can be done from cell phones, available landlines and/or Internet connections. If you do choose to panic, just call us, and we’ll take care of it. However, enjoying more control is one of the perks of your new system, so the ability to redirect your calls will soon become part of your new communications culture.
  • Business is good, it’s time to expand. Can we tie two new offices into the system?
    Can we ever! Managing your Prospice communications system will be the easiest aspect of your process for opening or adding new sites. One of the most rewarding benefits of transitioning your communications to Prospice is your new ability to provide service under a single platform. With Prospice, you gain one cohesive system, in which all employees can communicate as if they were in a single campus – even if they’re hundreds of miles apart. And if your business requires it, you can even centralize incoming calls – because everyone is simply an extension away.
  • Ok, now I have a better understanding of business VoIP. How can I get a quote? Can I talk to your existing customers for references?
    Give us a call at 806-939-0020. We’ll be delighted to answer your questions, work with you to define your requirements, and help you start taking advantage of all the powerful benefits that Prospice voice services can offer your business!
  • My phone system meets our needs, why would we want to change?
    You probably wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the additional benefits delivered by VoIP. Throwing away your existing equipment is not a requirement for moving your communications to Prospice business-class quality Voice over IP (VoIP). For example, our Trunk Services option lets you use your existing PBX or key system and enjoy all the same services you have now, but at a lower price. Or, benefit from even more services, for the same price.
  • That’s interesting, but how do Trunk Services work?
    It’s simple: when you choose the Prospice Trunk Services option for your voice communications, your VoIP service will start in your communications “closet” rather than on the desktop. Everything else will remain the same – no changes, no training required, just improved cost-efficiency for your business communications.
  • Does that mean no rewiring?
    That’s right: when your PBX or key system is enhanced by Prospice Trunk Services, your existing analog infrastructure will remain in service.
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